How we support our members

Primarily, we help you connect – with other people, with organisations, with research
and best practice.

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IMP is the leading international body for mito patient advocacy groups. IMP facilitates connections with international networks within the medical world, researchers and industry.

Membership provides international validation of member organisations, can facilitate bilateral collaborations and adds weight to international funding consortium bids. It also provides an opportunity to be part of significant international projects such as Genomit and Simpathic, benefitting patients globally and locally.

IMP also offers the opportunity for global virtual and face-to-face forums where members can connect, communicate and collaborate.

We send out regular communications about international developments, and promotion of members' activities to a worldwide audience.

IMP is a critical source of best practice, experiences and ideas.

There are different ways we can help support you and connect to the international mito community:

If you are interested in launching the global mitochondrial disease registry in your country, contact us.

Annually in June, all IMP members are invited to join us at our annual meeting. There they can make connections with other members and learn more about IMP’s work around the world. All members receive an invitation, but if you have any specific questions, please get in touch.

Based on the success of our LHON Awareness Day webinars, we are planning future webinars on a variety of issues related to mito patient organisations. Subscribe to our mailing list to join future webinars.

Euromit is one of the worlds’ leading international conferences on mitochondrial diseases. Find out how we can represent you at Euromit.

We can help you grow your patient organisation

IMP have produced a series of guides to support you setting up and growing your mito patient organisation. Please see the Resources section of our website to access and download these free guides.

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