
IMP is active in many fields and is sometimes faced with potentially controversial topics; our policies help us navigate these areas. IMP is a-political.

IMP is committed to prioritising equity, diversity, and inclusion, and to ensure that it's embedded in our work.

However, there may be a need within the mitochondrial community to be clear and transparent about certain subjects. If this is the case, IMP will issue a policy paper and you will be able to find them here.


International Mito Patients has officially been granted ANBI status, the status of a charity organisation, by the Dutch taxation authorities. For more information click here.

Strategy Plan

IMP’s objectives

  • To share best practices, information and knowledge, in order to:

    • promote early diagnosis;

    • develop appropriate care pathways;

    • manage the disease;

  • To be an international bridge between patients, clinicians, scientists, industry and policy-makers;

  • To promote and advocate for speedy development of treatments and cures


Global Partnerships

Facilitate international partnerships between national patient organisations, researchers, clinicians, industry, regulators and funding bodies to propel us towards our vision.


Endorse high quality strategic research that will lead to more effective diagnosis, treatments, preventions and cures. In parallel, champion research into improved care, rehabilitation and coping with the many aspects of mitochondrial disease.


Provide a global voice for patient advocacy groups to improve outcomes for patients around the world.


Provide and biennially update list of drugs that may be harmful to mitochondrial disease patients.


Facilitate access to specialists and the patient community for those in countries where there is no national patient advocacy group or mitochondrial clinicians/centers.


Undertake fundraising activities to support IMP’s activities.

Remuneration Policy

The IMP Board and Committees operate on a voluntary basis. IMP contracts a part-time Director of Development and Operations and additional support when needed. IMP is grateful to its members for supporting the organisation with specific services and staff hours when required.

IMP is a lean organisation, governed by the IMP Board. The Board ensures member fees, grants and sponsorship are used for the benefit of the international mito community.


C/o Lt. gen. Van Heutzlaan 6

3743 JN Baarn

The Netherlands

Email: info@mitopatients.org

Chamber of Commerce registration: 53416104

RSIN (taxation number): 8508.72.236

Bank: ABN-AMRO, Postbus 749, 3000 AS Rotterdam, The Netherlands

BIC-code: ABNANL2A IBAN: NL92ABNA0414343522

Contact us to request a copy of our Constitution.

Financial Accountability

IMP’s income is generated from three sources:

  • Annual financial contributions from our member organisations

  • Grants for projects in which IMP participates actively

  • Donations from industry, to be spent at the sole discretion of IMP

IMP’s Treasurer and Board are responsible for IMP’s financial management. The Treasurer manages and controls the total budget. An annual financial report is published, after approval by the IMP member organisations.

IMP’s policy is to be transparent about all financial activities. A special policy on working together and receiving funds from industry, with the purpose of remaining independent, can be found above.

Annual Reports

Annual Report


Due to the uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic, very few IMP activities took place in 2021. Activities including awareness events and use of Zoom facilities, were underwritten by member organisations.

Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


Annual report


As of 25 November 2015, the Dutch taxation authorities have officially awarded the status of Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI) to International Mito Patients. Click here for the official decision.

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